As of January 2008, the above pictures show you the main reading resources we use in PREP. They are:
Each skill area is addressed in 8 booklets that become more difficult as they progress through the following levels: picture, preparatory, level A, B, C, D, E, and finally level F. The picture level booklets in each skill area are for preK readers while level F books are for the 6th grade level. The SRA books are in the tutoring office on top of the filing cabinet.
The necessary answer form used for each booklet's exercises is written on the front cover of each booklet(the book pictured above uses form 11). Copies of the answer forms can be found in the top drawer of the tutoring file cabinet. In most cases, partially completed answer forms will already rest in the child's reading folder. As you complete exercises, please cross them off the tracking sheet on the back cover of the child's reading folder.
2) Phonics picture books - the "Build a Word-Phonics Books" series by Steck-Vaughn: This is a two box set of picture books that you can read to or with a child who is just learning to read. The two sets are found on the top of the tutoring bookshelf. The book shown above is for "AT" and has words like bat and mat. The back cover has a group of exercises and games on the inner side, and a poem to read to/with the child on the back. Each box set has small tracking sheets to put in the child's reading folder if the folder doesn't already have one. The sheet lists all the booklet sounds. Put a hashmark by a sound each time you work that booklet so we can properly go over each sound 5-10 times. As you work through the phonics picture books, you may also work on the SRA booklets of the "picture" level of difficulty at the same time.
3) the Merrill reading series: This is a series of 6 books with reading exercises. They are for 1st grade through 6th grade readers. The grade level the book is appropriate for is written on the back cover. These books are found on the top of the tutoring bookshelf in a gray plastic file box. We have no answer sheets for these booklets so the child will have to write answers on scrap paper. Leave a note on the primary assessment page if you are using the merrill books. Leave a note in your tutor notes about the book name and page number that the next tutor should begin with.
Please keep an eye on each child as they work and prevent them from writing in any of the booklets.
The tutor notes sheet in a particular child's reading folder may indicate that some miscellaneous books from the tutoring bookshelf, or materials in the JCPS classroom are being used with that child. Example. "Bobby and I used the atlas from the tutoring bookshelf to look at the countries in south america after he got tired of doing math problems. "