1) 100 bead counter: A simple trick that you can use to help kids count is to use this bead board with 100 beads. The child can count along with you as you or they move the beads. The child will eventually begin to realize simple things like:
- 4 is twice the beads that 2 is
- 10,20,30,40 are all a complete row of beads
- how big a number 100 is
- relationships-11 looks a lot like 21 and 31 and 41 etc................
There is an introductory post about using an abacus with some internet links farther down this page.
3) SRA Math Lab 2a: this is a system of 300 numbered cards that present lessons and practice problems. It introduces numbers, addition, multiplication, division, simple geometric principles and simple algebra concepts. Each large card has a mini lesson with 3 problem sets. Answers are on the small cards to the right. See training videos in right column for more information.
4) We now have multiplication table grids for the children to use. Copies may be found in the "Math Folder Materials" hanging file in the top drawer of the tutoring file cabinet. You may put one in your child's math folder or send it home with them so they can memorize their tables.
5) Number grids with a number place name graphic on the reverse side are located in the "tutor resource folders" at the bottom file cabinet drawer. You can use these to help kids learn their numbers from 0-100 and the names of the different number places.
Click on the images above for a closer view, then click back to return here.
Thanks for your help---hope this was helpful.