Let us know if you can help us recruit new volunteer tutors by sending us an email expressing your desire to help to: nhky.tutoring@yahoo.com.
Help us get the word outby hanging
posters around town, at social or
entertainment venues, at your
workplace, or at your place of worship.
You can try to print out a copy of a tutor
information posters from the list linked
documents in the right column below
Preppy Readingfrog.
The links listed are to google-docs. If the
poster doesn't print out well, try resizing
your browser window either bigger or
smaller and printing again.
Alternatively, we can send you a pamphlet
as a word document via email that you can
print and post. Send us an email of where
you put up posters so we can keep track.
Click on the scans of the poster and
tear-off sheet for a closer look.
Thanks for your help. See you soon at
Neighborhood House.